We currently depend exlcusively on private donations, but we are also hoping to gain the support of the public sector.
We would like to extend a “Special Thanks” to all our generous and kind-hearted supporters.
There are 5 methods in which you can make a financial contribution:
- Debit order
- Direct Bank Deposit
- Online Donations
- Drop off at our shelter
- MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet Card
1. Debit Order
Looking to make a donation on a monthly basis? Now you can!
Just click on the button below, fill in the mandate form for the debit order and you are done. All that’s left to do is for us to approve the transaction.
2. Direct Bank Deposit
Should you wish to make a kind donation to our Shelter, our banking details are as follows:
FOUR PAWS NEDBANK, Fourways Mall | Acc#:1684133556 | Branch code:198765
Please reference your name and cellphone number and send proof of payment over What’sApp to 0833773219.
Please note that if you want a SECTION 18A Certificate all donations must be paid into the above mentioned account.
3. Online Donations
Should you wish to make a kind donation via online banking, you can use our online facility.
Make a donation in a few simple steps:
Simply click the “Make a Donation” button below.
You will be redirected to a page where you can type in the amount (in South African Rand) you wish to donate.
Then click the “Donate” button and you will be redirected to the “Check Out” page.
Fill in your name, billing address and contact details.
Click the “Place Order” button and you will be redirected to the secure payment page of Payfast, which is our online payment gateway.
4. Drop Off at Our Shelter
If donating food is your thing, then you can purchase any brand of your choice and drop it off at the shelter directly.
Anything and everything is welcome, from food, to toys, to tasty treats and even catnip to mellow out our feral kitties.
For more ideas on what you could bring, check out our Wishlist Page.
5. Swipe your MySchool My Village MyPlanet Card
Make every swipe count!
4Paws Animal Shelter is now a registered beneficiary of this wonderful programme. By swiping your MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet card at every participating outlet, a percentage of the sales goes towards the maintenance of our Shelter.
Go to their website to find out more about this amazing community initiative.
Download the form below and send it right back to us and make every swipe count towards the upkeep and upliftment of our Shelter.
Click here to download the application form.

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